Thursday, September 17, 2015

Nick Does the Cha Cha!

What a great way for Nick to start off on Dancing with the Stars, tying in First Place! I was so excited to hear he’d be on the show because it means I get to see him every week…even if it’s just through TV lol. I do work Monday nights so I have to wait a little longer to see it, but it’s always something fun to look forward too. I plan to blog each week about Nick’s dance performances, starting with this one.

Watch Nick dance here.

Nick’s cha cha was on point! He was looking really suave and in his element. Blue looks good on him and I thought it was funny when he pointed out his button flew off his pants. I didn’t notice that even happened lol. That’s just the kind of thing that happens when you give it your all! 
I also thought it was funny that practically every lady has said they had a crush on Nick. The ladies love him, that’s for sure…including me! I also think they paired him up with a great partner and it looks like they have chemistry, which will get them to the end. 

Nick looks perfect here...but he always looks great with that positive smile!

This is the look after you nailed a routine!

I'd be sticking my tongue out too if I was next to him lol.

I was also happy with the song choice because I like to see more current music incorporated into the dance routines. It was Flo Rida's "I Don't Like It, I Love It."

The silhouettes were a nice way to start out the routine and I definitely liked the nod of using the “Everybody” dance. The ending was very sexy! 

I can pick his silhouette out of a lineup lol.

The judges were really nice, but I didn't agree with Carrie Ann saying he looked nervous at the beginning. I know I don't look that calm and collected when I'm nervous. 

Great job, Nick and Sharna! Can't wait to see what you both have in store for us next week! #TeamSharNick