Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Holidays

Thankfully, I’ve been getting much needed time off from work due to the holidays and not using up all my vacation time…until now. I’m definitely enjoying the time off watching movies and trying to get some of my own stuff done, but at the same time I feel a little bored or down. Maybe it’s because Christmas wasn’t the way I liked it to be and also because it was the first Christmas without my furry baby Jamie.

I tried to make the most of the holiday though and I ended up baking a ham for Christmas and it turned out pretty good. I also made a new carrot side dish and that turned out good and some Christmas cookies.

I watched the Disney parade and then went to my brother’s house to visit his pups. I gave cards out to both my parents and my brother, money to my brother, and a small gift for my mom and shoes for my dad. It irritates me when no one bothers to read the cards so maybe next year I just won’t do cards. I got money from my brother, which is nice, but I like it better when someone surprises me or puts some thought into the gift. I got a nice ornament frame from a coworker and a dachshund ornament from my boss. The best Christmas present I got was from myself lol. That would of course be the Dec. 6 BSB concert in Chicago and VIP. I know myself so well lol.

That pretty much was my Christmas. I wish we would have decorated the house more or have gotten a real tree or decorated any tree but that’s just how it is right now.

As for New Years, I’ll probably be watching all the music shows on tv and enjoying some more time off from work. It’s always nice to get a fresh new year with endless possibilities.

The year 2013 has been bipolar bittersweet for me filled with high ups and low downs. I can sincerely say that everything awesome that happened to me this year was because of BSB! Losing my doggy soulmate and my parents with their serious health problems have been lows. Thankfully, I keep treating myself to BSB events. I really want to treat myself in 2014 to the cruise, but I don’t know what I’m going to do just yet.

I hope 2014 brings us peace, love, and happiness and that all the crap that may be in our lives just dissolves away and is replaced by the good stuff.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Happy Christmas, and Backstreet's Back, Alright!

Here's a quick post of a very funny and cute video BSB recently did for Mtv.

How come Nick gets all the fun? Can't we help decorate his junk too?!? Isn't that the true meaning of Christmas? LOL

LOL at AJ's comments and poor Nick lol.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Nick's Chats and Tweets

Hi all and to those who just joined Nick's fanclub.

Nick did another chat Monday and it was perfect timing because I was just going on my lunch break. It also ended right when my lunch break ended. It was funny because when I told one of my coworkers what I was doing, she said she would leave me alone and have my Nick time LOL.

It was a nice chat. I was kind of distracted with being at work, but it was still nice to be able to be in the chat room. I wanted to ask Nick if he got his gifts from the cruise (I got him a pug life shirt) and how they plan to top the next cruise because I can't honestly think of any way they could top the bachelorette party.

Also, as I'm sure a lot of you know, Nick has been tweeting a lot. He said he's going to be more involved on the website and wants us to make videos like we are newscasters. I love the idea because I majored in journalism in college, but I hate my voice on video lol so I'm not sure if I'll participate, but if I have time between work and other things I think I will give it a try.

He also mentioned on Twitter that he will sing Silent Night to us on the website. That is my favorite Christmas song so I can't miss that!

Meanwhile, I'm trying to figure out if I'll be able to make it to next years' cruise. I really want to go, so we'll see. I'm just so happy and thankful I was able to go on this past cruise and I'm still thinking about that one lol. I want to make a dvd of my footage if I ever get around to it.

I'm also going through Backstreet withdrawal. Seen the guys in Chicago and was fortunate enough to get vip on December 6th, but feeling the withdrawal already lol. I have my vip picture in every room of my house lol.

Well guys. Think I'll sign off for now. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Nick's Fanclub Chat 12/7/13

Hi all. Nick did a fanclub chat last Saturday and I didn't have to work so I was able to listen in. I thought it was really cool he decided to do a fanclub chat after I met him the previous day in Chicago! He also did a chat after the I'm Taking Off concert in Chicago the next day too so Chicago must bring out the talkative side in him. That or there's just nothing to do here because it's too cold lol.

So Nick's really busy with all the stuff he has going on and wanted to give us an update on that. He talked a little bit about his Twitter page and I think his tweets are good tweets, but he was talking about how he tries to keep up with that. I think he's doing a good job interacting with his fans via tweet.

Then Nick talked a little about his movie, Evil Blessings. He apologized for taking awhile to do the perks and explained that's because the director passed away, who was in charge of the perks, and that's what was slowing everything down. He mentioned he chose a new director and that they will start filming during the middle of next year! I think it would be cool if he released the movie around Halloween.

After talking about his movie, he brought up his VH1 show about his wedding. It was funny to hear Nick say that he knew we hate hearing that he's engaged. I know there are some fans out there who love their relationship and those who hate their relationship. I'm a supporter of everything Nick so I support his decision, but I wish he would stay an eligible bachelor because there aren't many guys out there as nice and talented as him. I wish him the best, but most importantly I want him to be happy. I tend to focus more on his music anyway. I'm not sure about this show though. I can see VH1 trying to spin things to look bad to cause drama to draw ratings in. I guess we'll see. Hopefully, they'll give Nick more creative control and say and that won't happen.

I asked if Nick had any plans for a solo project and I don't know if he answered my question directly, but he did address it. He said he is planning a side project with another "boyband" member. I wish he would just do another solo cd because I just want to hear him sing lol, no other, unless of course it was with another BSB, then I would like that. I'm interested to find more about this though. What I really want is another solo tour!

Someone asked to see his hair and he took off his knit cap to show it. He looked nice either way lol. I guess people were nervous about his haircut he got in Chicago, but I seen it the day before and he looks fine. Just a haircut people lol.

He also mentioned how he designed the Evil Blessings t-shirt and that they will be available to buy on the website. I just can't wait to see this movie!

Nick talked about the perk of seeing a concert of his on his website. I wasn't able to buy this perk, but I would love to hear him sing. I hope someone records it. I was thinking that if the tickets were like $5 a piece, more people would have bought it and then he would have more funds in the end. Those who bought it will have a good time listening. It sounds like he will be doing some cover songs!

The next cruise was also mentioned! This was before it was announced on The View. (This topic will probably be my next blog post so get ready lol.)

Also, he mentioned BSB will be on the White House Christmas special on TNT this coming Friday! Don't miss it, guys! I'll probably be going to my brother's house to watch it. I don't get TNT at home.

The European after parties were talked about and it sounds like you guys are going to have fun if you're going! Nick will be djing and the rest of the guys will be there!!! Have fun!

Nick sang and played the guitar a little bit before he left the chatroom! He sounded great and of course looked great ;) Something about him and holding a guitar......okay, time to get my mind out of the gutter lol. He sang "A Horse with No Name." I'm glad he picked this song. I like the laid-back, hippie vibe, what can I say? He also sang a little bit of "Black" by Pearl Jam. He hinted that these might be some of the songs you'll guys hear when he does his perk concert.

Everyone kept asking him to sing "Sweater Weather" and he mentioned that he liked their song, "Everybody Watching Me." That song probably describes exactly how he feels everyday. I've been a fan of The Neighbourhood for awhile now and I like the song "Afraid." I like how we enjoy the same music and that's probably why I enjoy Nick's music. This was a good way for Nick to practice the guitar. Whenever he wants to practice, we'll watch right girls?!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Miracle on State Street with BSB Review

Hi all. I've been busy with work and haven't been able to write a review of the last BSB show I seen until now. I was lucky enough to attend Miracle on State Street holiday benefit concert with BSB, Colbie Cailat, Plain White Ts, and American Authors. This was held at the Chicago Theatre last Friday, December 6.

I was so excited to be able to go to another BSB event so soon after the cruise and bought the tickets right away. I was lucky enough to get VIP and 4th row on the left side for the concert.

A couple of days before the concert I was trying to get all the information I needed to rely on public transportation and pick my outfit out. I also had to clear my camera from all the cruise footage. I ended up taking the train and relying on cabs, but also had bus info ready in case that all went out the window. I was worried about counting on cabs after the crazy cab story I have from the last show BSB did in August that was cut short in Chicago. (In case you didn't read my past blog on that, my friend and I couldn't get a cab for nothing after the show because of Lollapolooza going on and we ended up having to take a wild bike taxi ride lol. I can laugh at it now, but it was really crazy then.)

As for my outfit, I ended up going with a red sweater, black skinny jeans, and knee high black boots. I knew it was going to be freezing so I also brought my bulky coat, despite how much I hate it.

The Day of the Concert 12/6/13

So finally the day of the concert came! I found out the night before that the vip meet and greet was going to take place at 4 p.m. and to meet at the Chicago Theatre box office. Because of the train schedule, I ended up taking a 12:53 p.m. train to downtown. (I was also a little nervous about taking the train by myself after the show, but it turned out to be pretty much okay.)

I ended up arriving downtown around 2 p.m. and had some lunch at the Corner Bakery. I never ate there before, but found it to be pretty good. Like a Panera. I got a ham and swiss panini and loaded baked potato soup.

After I ate, I got a cab to go to the Chicago Theatre. I arrived probably around 3:15 p.m. and waited inside the box office. It was cold in there, but thankfully not as cold as having to wait completely outside. I asked the ticket guy if there were any seats better than mine and he laughed and said no and that I had great seats. Just wanted to make sure.

VIP Time!

Around 4:30 p.m. we were let in and the vip process began. Everyone was nice and Justin was passing out the vip laminates and making sure everyone's name was on the list. They lined us up and then once the BSB arrived we started moving! They guided us into a hall that leaded into a smaller room that wasn't the actual part of the theatre where the concert would be held. As we were waiting in line to see the guys, they showed up and waved before they went into the room. Brian was acting silly and we all screamed when we seen them lol.

I found it funny how a lot of girls ran into the bathroom to primp. I gave up on doing anything like that because between the weather and having naturally curly hair, I would have to completely start from scratch and that wasn't going to happen. (After confiding in friends, I decided to wear my hair completely down. I wish I had straight hair and think my hair is too puffy, but I'm so glad they talked me into it because I do think they are right that I look better with my hair completely down.)

I also met a very nice girl while we were waiting for the vip meet and greet to start named Gina. I asked her if I had hat head and she was very sweet. It was refreshing to meet another fan who was nice, normal, and not delusional lol. Don't get me wrong, we do have a lot of nice fans in this fanbase though!

I also had to laugh at some of the girls wearing short dresses and halter tops. Burrrr! I can't even fathom to do that in Chicago weather. I would get sick right away. I know some girls didn't even bring their coats from their car because they didn't want it to be in the picture. Obviously, for me that wouldn't have been an option because then I would have no coat the whole time. I just decided that if that was going to be a problem, I would just throw it to the side really quick lol.

I also noticed a girl that I keep seeing at the BSB Chicago events. I kind of am curious on to what her story is because she seems to always get backstage/etc. and got in this time too but didn't have a vip pass. She also dresses in my opinion, kind of slutty. Not really bad, but you can tell it's for attention. (See, that's the thing about going to these things alone. You observe a lot of things lol.) I nicknamed her Christina Aguilera because she's trying to look like her. There was also a girl that looked like Ke$ha, pretty but slutty looking. (And I also nicknamed a guy in front of me during the show Vin Diesel because he looked like a downgrade of him lol).

My Meet and Greet with BSB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now to get to the best part...the part that really and greet with BSB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This was the first picture I would be getting of just me and BSB so I was very excited. Once I made my way inside the room (I was somewhat towards the front of the line), I was observing how things were working out and what other fans were doing. At that point I was getting really nervous and could feel my heart beat faster lol. I noticed that a lot of girls in front of me were getting handshakes and taking the picture right away. Well, going in there thinking I was going to ask for a kiss from Nick, I really, really didn't want to do just handshakes. Plus, I think of BSB as family and to get just handshakes would have been cool, but would fall short at the same time.

When it was just about my turn, I was getting ready to throw my coat and purse on the side, but then a nice guy (maybe a bodyguard?) took my coat and purse for me and it was time to say hi to BSB!!!!!

The guys were all lined up and Brian was the first I was able to say hi to. He seemed like he wanted to keep giving handshakes from before, but I held my arms out for a hug and got a nice Brian hug. I knew I probably started the hug trend after that, but I just had to. I said hi and mentioned that they were my favorite guys and then I said favorite guys in the whole world and Brian said "thank you" which was so sweet. I really meant that.

Then Nick was next! I got one of Nick's famous hugs and I was able to give him the Christmas present I got for him. (I got him three World of Warcraft comic books to read on the road and I attached a letter to the top....really wish I would have known about this event while I was on the cruise so then I would have kept the t-shirt I got him and give that to him too, but I gave that to the hospitality desk on the cruise. I really hope he gets that though. Kind of hoping I go on Twitter one day and see a pic of him in my shirt on a day I really need something to cheer me up.)

Next was Howie! I got a nice hug from Howie. I wish I could have talked more to Howie because he seemed the most quiet out of the guys, but I was stretching time as it was.

Next was Kevin! He said "Happy Holidays" and I said that back. I got a very nice hug from Kevin!

After Kevin was AJ! He said "hi sweetheart" to me and that melted my heart. So sweet. I couldn't say anything after that lol so I just went in for a hug. He gives good hugs.

Once we were done greeting each other, I went back to Nick for the picture. I was between Nick and Howie! I remember having one of my arms around Nick and the other on my stomach. Then I thought why in the hell do I have my hand on myself when I can have it on Nick LOL so I quickly put my hand on Nick's stomach. I remember thinking to tilt my head in Nick's direction and next thing I know Nick puts his head on my head and the picture was taken! OMG, when Nick put his head on my head, I just about died with joy!!! I know that sounds teeny, but I can't help it. They make me so happy and sometimes it's fun to be a little bit teeny lol.

This would be the time I would have to leave the guys. Of course, this is also the time where I lose my nerves and instantly get comfortable enough with them that I could probably chill with them until the show starts because they make you feel so welcome and are just all so nice. Before exiting, I wanted them to know I had a good time on the cruise, the best time, the best time of my get the idea. I said "I had so much fun on the cruise!" and I think I was a little animated from all the excitement lol. Nick said "we did too" and he was so sweet. I could have just hung out with Nick forever, but then a bodyguard nicely pulled me to the side.

It was such a perfect moment and definitely topped my picture moment on the cruise just because I wasn't going on zero sleep and thought of what I wanted to say this time, whereas on the cruise, I was so tired and didn't think of what to say. Don't get me wrong though, that was also such a wonderful moment but this moment was just me and the guys and no one else.

We also got an autographed Christmas card from BSB! I love it! Such, nice guys! I'm so proud to be a fan!

After the Best Moment Ever...

After the best moment ever, I went to use the bathroom before the line goes out the door during the show and looked around a bit. We actually had to go back out to the street since they didn't check and see if we had concert tickets since those were sold separately. A lot of people were pissed about that, but it didn't really bother me because I made sure to get out early enough that I could stay in the box office again. It did get really squishy though.

The doors didn't open until 6 p.m. so it was another waiting game. When I was let in again, I checked out the merch booth and noticed that BSB only had a t-shirt and their cd to choose from. I didn't get anything because the t-shirt wasn't related to the concert and didn't have the concert date on it so I passed and of course I have In A World Like This already.

After getting some freebies from a booth that advertised the children's hospital the concert proceeds were going to, I waited to be let in to the theatre. I was fourth row to the left. I wasn't in the pit section even though I bought through the fanclub, but my seats were still really good. I think my ticket was the same price as the pit seat though so I hope that wasn't a mistake, but I don't want to find out because I'm sure I wouldn't get reimbursed anyway. Anyway, it was a great seat but I did have a tall guy in front of me (Vin Diesel...remember? lol).

I took some pics of the venue. I was at the same venue in 2005 for BSB for the Jingleball concert featuring them. Brought back memories of that. That day there was a blizzard. Thankfully, it was just freezing this time.

Before the show even started, I had three small ladies in front of me so I thought I would have no problem with my view, but they left...probably to sneak up closer...and then Vin Diesel showed up. Then I had a really sweet girl sitting next to me, but she was a bigger girl so we were squished. She was on my sweater sleeve and it got stretched out because I pulled it off from under her. I didn't want to ask her to move because those ladies in front of us were rude to her. They purposely embarrassed her and didn't want to get up for her to move down the isle to get to our isle and I felt bad for her.

Speaking of those around me, not only did I have tall guy in front of me (I've had worse) I had complete assholes behind me. They were two couples and were at least middle aged. They were drunk off their asses and were so loud. They were heckling every act, including BSB, and at one point I thought they were purposely talking right by my ear because they were so loud. I looked at them to make sure that they weren't screaming in my ear on purpose and they were just talking so loud. Also, at one point in the show, one of the guys spilled their beer right on my head. Then he proceeds to rub my back and I'm thinking, dude, you touching me isn't making things better. I loathe you lol. I just didn't say nothing, but I wanted to say why are you even here if you don't like any of the acts. You could tell they were just rich assholes who wanted to fill up their time. I knew it was a matter of time that I got beer spilled on me lol. Thank God, it wasn't the whole cup but they probably drank most of it lol.

Time for the Show!!!!

The first act that came out was American Authors. They were okay. I just recognized the one song of theirs, "Best Day of My Life" and thought it was fitting to hear that after my wonderful meet and greet with BSB.

Next was Colbie Cailat. She was great to see live. I am a fan of hers. I enjoy all her singles and she sounded good. I loved her skirt with the see-through lace.

I took pics and video throughout the concert, but was trying to be careful at first because they were being strict about pictures with flash and no video at all. I found out my camera sucks without flash so that wasn't going to fly when BSB came out. I also found out that I could zoom in the same length and sometimes it would be blurry and sometimes it wouldn't. Guess I didn't pick out the right camera.

After Colbie, was Plain White Ts. To be honest, I always thought of the Plain White Ts as well, plain. There music seems boring to me. Turns out they just pick boring singles. They actually sang this song "Hate" and it was a rock-type song and I thought that was good. They are from Chicago so they were made a big deal.

Time for BSB!!!!!! Yay!!!!!

Now it was finally time for BSB!!!!!!! I think they didn't come on until 10:05 p.m. so I knew I would have to take the last train back home. BSB played for about an hour!!! It was so much fun like always!

The lineup: The Call, As Long As You Love Me, Show Em' What You're Made Of, In A World Like This, Safest Place to Hide Acapella, 10,000 Promises, Madeleine, Quit Playing Games, It's Christmas Time Again, I Want It That Way, and Backstreet's Back! I think I didn't miss anything.

They all sounded so good and looked very nice! I think the highlights for me would be Show Em' What You're Made Of, how good they sounded acapella during Safest Place to Hide, It's Christmas Time Again (I think this was the first time I heard it live!), and Backstreet's Back. I also liked how Kevin said they are going to be back in Chicago next summer to make up for the last concert that was cut short.

Another highlight was when Nick jumped on the speaker right in front of me lol. I was happy Nick was favoring my side of the stage. Yay! Also, it's always fun to scream your head off when Nick says, "Am I sexual?" hehehe! That will never get old.

They did a wonderful job and it was great to see them perform so soon after the out of this world vip moment I had and the cruise :D


After the Show...

After the concert, I tried to make my way out of there as quickly as possible to get a cab. Of course I had the same problem...thank God not as bad. All the cabs were already filled so I walked down the street and had no luck. Thankfully, some nice guys waved down a cab for me or else I would have missed my train and would have been screwed.

Before almost getting killed by the cab driver's driving, I arrived at Union Station. I had an hour to kill so I grabbed some McDonalds and hoped the people on the train wouldn't be weirdos.

While in McDonalds, there was a guy that was cute. Kind of looked like Nick actually, except not nearly as good looking lol. No one could be as good looking as Nick! He ended up coming up to me and asking me what number I had because we were all waiting for our food. He seemed nice, but then he started looking all worried about the numbers so I think he had some sort of OCD. Time to go.

Old Crazy Guy on the Train...

Once I got on the train, something funny happened. There was this old guy that was losing his mind. He was yelling that the Pope was on the train. I was getting kind of scared, and was hoping he wouldn't sit by me. Thankfully, he didn't. However, the lady behind me started talking to him asking where he was going and if he was homeless. I was thinking, don't talk to him lady because he'll end up staying here the whole time and I just want to get home with no problems. Then the guy kept asking everyone around me if the train goes to a certain town. It did and everyone kept telling him it did but he didn't believe anyone lol. He even asked the conductor and he didn't believe him.

Once we got going, everything was fine and there was enough people on the train so it didn't feel deserted.

This is where it gets entertaining. We were approaching the stop before the old man's stop. The train conductor announced the wrong stop! He announced the man's stop instead of the one we were at! The guy seemed to know the conductor made a mistake, but was slowly walking to the doors to get ready for his stop. When he passed that lady behind me, she said that he should hurry up because they just announced his stop. He looked confused and the lady kept saying he better hurry up. Next thing you know the old man is off the train probably looking bewildered because he wasn't at his stop and we take off! LOL sorry, this really isn't funny but to witness it was just crazy. It wouldn't have been funny if it happened to me. In a way, I kind of think the train did it on purpose because he kept asking everybody lol.

Then it gets better.

Another guy starts yelling to the lady that you told him to get off the wrong stop. She said that they said his stop over the intercom (and they did...just made a mistake). Once the lady realizes what she did, she starts exclaiming "that poor man! that poor man!" lol Then to cover up her own stupidity, she says "what wackjobs are running this train?" LOL. Then she says something that could be just as stupid as what she said to the old man. She says, "Well, what kind of people ride the train this late anyway?" LOL haha You lady! You're riding the train now! lol omg. I started cracking up.

I Made It Home...Alive!

Long story short, I made it home and lived to tell about it lol. Whenever it's anything BSB, it's an adventure! lol

Thanks BSB, Nick, and Justin for the wonderful picture!!! You made my Christmas! I have it framed :D It couldn't have been more perfect! Nick, you are just awesome! I love BSB!

Thanks everybody for reading my long review. I make sure to put every detail so I can remember myself and also I'm a writer so we can never stop writing lol.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

BSB Withdrawal, But Not For Long

I’m having major BSB withdrawal from the cruise, but I’m so happy and thankful that I was able to go. I had a blast! To cure my BSB withdrawal, I have been looking up all things Backstreet new and old and on the cruise. I’m a little nutty for BSB, but so what right?! What else is there to do if I’m not at work? Lol Anyway, my BSB withdrawal will be cured for sure when I get to see the guys at the Miracle on State Street Holiday Concert in Chicago on December 6th…only two weeks away!!!!

For this one, I’m probably going to take the train and then cabs to get to the venue and back to the train station. I’m worried about this because last time I did this with my friend for the BSB show that was cut short, we couldn’t get a cab for crap. I’m hoping that was just because Lolla was going on the same day, but with Chicago being Chicago I’m still worried I won’t find a cab and I don’t want to be walking by myself at night. We’ll see. Hopefully, everything will go okay. It probably was easier getting transportation in Miami than my hometown.

I looked at taking a limo just for kicks and they want to charge by the hour and if I’m doing VIP and the show, that’s just ridiculous and a definite no. Also, if they end up doing an afterparty with Nick djing like they are planning in Cali (which I wouldn’t miss Nick dj for nothing) I would have to stay at a hotel and that would factor in on my transportation.

So on another note, have you guys seen the new BSB video for "Show Em’ What You’re Made Of" !!!!! I really enjoy the video, not just for the obvious reasons lol. I like how it’s a more simplistic video. Granted, with the beautiful lyrics to the song they could have had a great storyline, this just works. I’m kind of afraid that my Facebook friends who seen my BSB cruise pics and video (especially of the Bachelorette Party) and this video just think they are good-looking and nothing more, but I’m hoping they also notice all the vocal harmony videos I post too. Check out the video here:

There’s also the rumor? (maybe, maybe not) of BSB thinking of touring with the Spice Girls. I don’t like this idea just because I always vote to see BSB by themselves because they are all who I care about in their genre of music and also the ticket prices would be high. I used to be a Spice Girl fan when I was younger, but they didn’t stick with me at all like BSB did. In case anyone cares, Posh Spice is my favorite because she’s the prettiest lol.

Let’s talk about Nick’s tweets. He tweeted a lot today and he wants all of us BSB fans to have our own name. I think it has been officially settled that we are the Backstreet Army. I like it. Reminds me of the Kiss Army that my brother is a part of. He then said that we need to wear camo.

Uh, Nick. Great minds think alike. I wore a camo shirt for Nick on the BSB cruise that said Kaotic Clan. I’ll admit I tweeted about it three times to Nick after he said that with a picture of me wearing the shirt I made and felt like a weirdo tweeting the same tweet three times when other fans tweet the same tweet 100 times lol. I gave up lol. I wonders if he remembers that though because it’s only been a month but with his rapid life, maybe not? Brian pointed out my shirt to him on the cruise and we took our cruise picture the same time. I'll refraim from posting the picture here again. I don't want it to seem like I love pictures of myself lol.

Then he retweeted another girl’s tweet who had a picture of her and her friends wearing camo shirts on the cruise. Not gonna lie, that was a little stingy for me but I’m sure he didn’t see my tweet in a sea of tweets or he would have retweeted mine too.

Which brings me to my next point. I’m kind of pondering if I’m too timid and shy around the BSB because certain girls get attention for being kind of crazy and in their face. I seen a lot of this on the cruise, but I’m just not like that. I’m not a flirty type of girl, but more laid back. I would think the guys would like that better than someone who is in their face, but I sometimes feel I don’t get noticed as much as those, and this goes for in life too.

I’m just thinking if I should be a little more extroverted around the guys during this next vip, but it just goes so fast that I literally don’t know what’s going on. In my last and only picture with all 5 guys (on the cruise), I really thought my right arm was around Kevin, but it wasn’t around anyone and Kevin wasn’t even by me lol. That’s how fast it goes. Plus, it takes me awhile to even realize that it’s really happening lol. It’s such a special moment that I just want and need it to be perfect and I don’t need my clumsy self to goof it up. Hopefully, it will go great and I’ll get a tad bit more time.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


Saturday, November 16, 2013

BSB Cruise: Monday, October 28, 2013

DAY FOUR: Monday, October 28th, 2013
I woke up early to pack and have breakfast. I ended up taking my luggage to breakfast because it was already 8 a.m. I quickly said goodbye to my roommate and we hugged and then I bumped into Harriet at breakfast and we ate together. I made a joke that I couldn’t pass up eating a banana after last night’s Bachelorette Party banana teases and then that’s when I met the girl sitting next to me and her friend. I asked Harriet if she wanted to split a cab and I told her since my flight was at 1:50 p.m. I wanted to leave right away.

I ended up leaving alone because her flight was later. I had to fill out this paper saying if I bought anything from the Bahamas and show my ID and go through security. Then I saw that the cab line was long so I ended up finding this guy who had a shuttle van. After waiting a few minutes, we left to Miami International. He charged $10 and this was a lot cheaper than a cab. The line for security at MIA was so long, but I made it and had probably 45 minutes to spare before my flight took off. I looked at my footage during this time.

One of the girls I met texted me and said BSB were taking American too and were at Terminal 1. I didn’t want to miss my flight so I didn’t go, but I thought that fact was cool. The takeoff for this flight was easy, but I was half-asleep so that may have something to do with it. Also, I packed my headphones in my suitcase so I wasn’t able to listen to music on the plane, but that was okay because I just dosed off. The landing was kind of rough, but we made it. Then when I got to baggage claim, they said gate 4, then switched to gate 9 and after literally a half hour later and after asking a guy if I should go to the desk and he said no, I finally went to the desk. Bear in mind all my souvenirs were in there and I was starting to get upset. My limo guy even called me to see what was the matter. I told him I wasn’t leaving without my luggage.

After the people at American were flirting with each other and goofing off, the one guy finally managed to find my luggage by the original gate 4 after they told everyone to go to gate 9. I’m just so glad it was there. They thought it was so funny though. That upset me for the rest of the evening and then the limo guy was kind of rude because he said I was standing in the wrong spot, but I was standing where the other guy on the phone told me to stand. I made it back though! I felt the instant I came back to Illinois everything went crappy again, but what can I say?

Final Thoughts

I really had the best time of my life on this cruise! I would have never had the guts to travel alone and do something this big if it wasn't for BSB and my love for them. I feel great that I went and it proves to me that I can do stuff like this. It has been a tough year for me with my parents being in really poor health and losing my furry baby Jamie so I really needed this to lift my spirits. I was in a pretty crappy place before I went on the cruise and I really needed this. I just hope that things will continue to get better, but that if they don’t I will always have these great memories. The cruise exceeded my expectations. Of course there were some setbacks, but I choose to remember the best moments and thankfully, there were more of those great moments than crappy ones. I am such a worrier at times and it was great to just let loose and BSB are the only ones that can do that for me. I was so worried I would get sea sick or get really scared on the plane, but none of that happened thanks to God. I’m so happy I was able to go to the Bahamas and for the BSB to be right there was a dream! This was a first of many’s for me. First time traveling alone, first time on a cruise, first time in the Bahamas, first time out of the country, first alcoholic drink (unless you count the time I had a sip of beer as a baby…I too had family that thought that was funny like Nick’s).

I can’t wait to see the guys again on 12/6 at the Chicago Theatre for the Christmas concert Miracle on State Street. I can’t wait to see my boys again and get a picture with them! I’m hoping I’ll get a tad bit more time to talk to Nick this time around.

Thanks for reading! Thanks to BSB for giving me the best moments of my life! Stay talented, sweet, down-to-earth, sexy men! And please continue to read this blog. I'll be posting more on BSB and my life whenever I have time. In the meantime, I had to leave you with some pictures.

BSB Cruise: Sunday, October 27, 2013

DAY THREE: Sunday, October 27, 2013
 After dreaming all night of Nick lol, I had some breakfast. This time I discovered the omelet station and got a bacon and cheese omelet that tasted pretty good and some tea for my throat. I didn’t go to AJ’s blackjack tournament because there was just too much going on and plus my photo session was coming up and that was one thing I would not dare miss or be late to.

Since Nick still didn’t see my Kaotic Clan shirt I made, I decided to let that be my outfit for the group picture. I would have liked to have worn something more feminine and cute, but I really wanted him to notice my shirt. I don’t know if he remembers, but during the Nick and Howie chat, he mentioned that Howie has his group of fans and that he should have a name for his group of fans so he said "Kaotic Clan" so that’s how my shirt came about. I had fun making it too. I ended up wearing that shirt with some jean shorts and the flip flops I kept wearing.

I was in a group that was made through facebook and we said we were going to meet at the coffee shop. I got there a half and hour early to make sure I wasn’t late and after I didn’t see anyone in my group, I decided to walk to the back of the line. I ended up finding one of my group members and her husband so I waited with them and eventually we all found each other. We found out from a rose tours person that anyone who is in a wheel chair would have to get their pictures taken at a special time and that was 2:30. We decided to keep our group and have the two in our group in wheelchairs go at 2:30 and get BSB to themselves. I think that was a win win for all of us and their picture turned out great! We also found out that instead of 8-10 in a group, it would just be 4 to a group, which was awesome! We talked in our group until it was time for us to take our picture.

Finally it was time to get my picture taken with BSB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I remember thinking I wanted to give Nick a shirt I got him so I had that in my purse but our purses were taken away so I wasn’t able to do so. That was also the reason I wanted to talk to him before his djing. Anyway, BSB was in a line and we all were in a line. I came up to Howie first and said "Hi Howie!" and shook his hand then "Hi AJ!" and shook his hand, then I didn’t get to say anything or shake Kevin’s hand because our Kevin girl in the group hogged him lol, but that’s okay. Then it was Nick. I came over by him and I don’t know if it was lack of sleep or just bewilderment but I just remember standing in front of him looking at him lol. Then I remember Brian (who was after him in line) saying to Nick something about my shirt like she’s wearing a shirt for you or she’s wearing your shirt. Then Nick smiled and held out his fists for me to fist pound him. I thought this was so cute and I smiled while I fist pounded him back lol. It was a cute moment but I think I looked at him like "what?" because I was just so out of it lol. Hopefully, it wasn’t that noticeable lol. Then he pulled me to his side for the picture. In my picture I’m looking towards the side more than straight ahead. It went too fast for me lol, but the picture still turned out great. I wish my arm didn’t look so fat, but it once looked fatter than that lol. Then I asked Nick for a hug and I got one of Nick’s famous hugs!!!!!! I wanted to ask him if he remembered me from Chicago (I was the one who gave him a necklace), but that is such a lame question to ask so I reframed. I also wanted to say to him that I loved him, but I didn’t want to scare him or seem teeny lol. I also wanted to ask if I could give him a kiss on the cheek, but I didn’t ask this one because I didn’t want my heart to get crushed if he said no. Things went by way too fast. Then after that, I went up to Brian and shook his hand because I was so thankful he mentioned my shirt or I probably would still be standing there staring at Nick lol. Then one of the bodyguards said it was time for me to move along lol. This moment happened so fast, but I’m so thankful to Nick for being so sweet and for Brian pointing out my shirt. I also think it was a nice touch they all wore their captain uniforms J I’m kind of wondering if Nick thought it was weird that I went up to Brian after him, but Nick will always be my favorite and I wanted to thank Brian for noticing my shirt.

I kept my Kaotic Clan shirt on and made my way to the Lido Deck for Brian and Leighanne’s Fashion show. I watched the whole thing from the hot tub and boy did my feet enjoy that. It was nice to see Brian do his thing and I was surprised they didn’t have a way to buy the clothes. Brian is so nice to the fans and Leighanne is so pretty. They really do make the perfect couple.

After Brian’s show, was Howie’s. Howie sang his solo stuff and he sounded really good. Yep, still in the hot tub lol. He is such a cutie!

After Howie’s show, was Kevin’s in the atrium but I had dinner during this time so I missed the beginning. This time at dinner, they sat me by myself. First I minded because I wanted to meet new people, but then I quickly found myself getting lost in my bourbon chicken, zucchini and carrots, bruchetta, and chocolate lava cake while day dreaming about Nick lol. At this point I wished he was sitting right across from me.. .Ahhh. lol A girl can dream?! So after trying to eat dinner as quickly as I could, I left the restaurant and stayed on the same deck to watch Kevin. Kevin sang beautifully. I got goosebumps. When Kevin sang the Kenny Loggins’ song "Danny’s Song." He teared up and then I teared up. This song is special to me too because the lyrics are so simple and just the way loving a person should be. I loved this. Made me wish I skipped dinner just to hear what was done before. It was funny too when he got choked up and said "shit!" lol. This was a great showcase by Kevin and it was nice having his friend play the piano. I could definitely see Kevin’s perfectionist side during this, which I thought was sweet. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures or video of Kevin's performance because my camera battery died.

At this point, things were running late and I can’t remember if the question and answer session was before or after Kevin’s. I think it was before, but I’ll talk about that. I knew they weren’t going to pick my question because it was just if there was going to be a In A World Like This Tour dvd and I didn’t realize we only had one chance to submit a question. Some good questions were asked and some were repeats of interviews before, but still worth while questions. They were asked what there most romantic moment was, who would play them in movies, if they were gay which BSB would they date, what is their definition of happiness, and worst moment on the In a World Like This Tour. I was in the hot tub for this too lol. The guys were drinking tea because they must have started to feel sick. For their most romantic moments, Nick told about how he proposed. For which BSB they would date, Nick said he would date all of them lol and Brian said he would be an old maid haha. Their definitions of happiness were nice to hear. AJ said Ava (aww) and Nick said loving someone and said that goes for the fans too, which was very sweet.

And for their worst moment on the In A World Like This Tour, Kevin said Chicago for shutting down their show, which was the worst moment and completely sucked for everyone involved. They went more into detail saying they didn’t factor in the times of the opening acts and that was what the problem was which I would say is management’s fault. The opening acts should have gotten cut early or completely for the main act, BSB. Live and learn though. Can’t change what happened. It just sucks it had to be my concert.

BSB will be coming back though as soon as 12/6 for a Christmas show…which I’ll be going to and have vip!!!!! At first I was pissed that they made Plain White T’s the main act, but now it appears they changed that. Good. I can’t wait to see the guys again and around Christmastime!!!! Now I just have to make sure I get a cab this time! The things I do for BSB lol but I love it! :D

I’m sure there were other questions, but these are the ones I remember. Oh yeah, another question is what were the last three websites they were on and AJ said his last one was porn and then Nick teased him and said you have to say the exact website lol. Nick said his was the Tampa Bay Bucs and another sports website, and then something to look up a song from. Nick also mentioned how he understands about being a passionate fan of something because of him with his Bucs. I’m glad he understands that or else he might think we’re all nuts lol. I would like him to think of me as someone who likes him and finds him special and talented and just someone who makes me happy and someone who he could just hang out with. I wish I could talk around him more, but everything is always so rushed.

Also, when Kevin answered the gay question, AJ and Kevin kissed! Lol

After this, I ended up going to the hospitality desk to give them my shirt I wanted to give to Nick. The ladies were really nice and made it seem like they were sincere about making sure Nick got the shirt I wanted to give him. I hope so. I don’t want anyone else to wear it lol. It was a black t-shirt with a pug on it that had a boom box next to it and it said above that, "Pug Life." The lettering was in red. I really, really hope Nick gets this shirt and it fits him because it would mean the world to me if he wears it. I hope some random person isn’t walking around wearing it or else I would have just waited to give it to him in Chicago if I would have known they were going to do a show here.

After this, I got ready for the Bachelorette Party. I just wore a purple sequined tank top and black shorts. My roommate and I ended up going to this one together and it was fun. We ended up grabbing chairs and sitting to the right of the front of the stage. Eventually, we had to move the chairs but we got there pretty early since the guys were doing the second concert for the other group. My roommate was nice enough to get my hoodie from our cabin and we waited some more. The girls in front of us brought "Jimmie" a sex doll and I took a picture of him. It was funny to me. They also had penis straws lol. I knew this was going to be a wild theme and that’s why I’m glad it was picked lol.

Finally the men of the hour came out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unfortunately, they came out on the balcony behind us. I could not see a thing. I heard the music of course and thought it sounded good for what I can only imagine they were doing, but I’ll be looking for video on that. I was disappointed that I didn’t see that, but there would have been no way I would have been that close for when they came to the main stage and they eventually did anyway. When they finally reached the main stage, things got really tight and pushy but it didn’t bother me. I’m used to it by now lol. Some girls fainted right by me and Howie was right in front of me and had to tell security to take her out. Then another girl fainted. AJ and Nick came pretty frequently to my side and they were definitely teasing all of us. They were wearing black outfits with bow ties and it was too funny and sexy at the same time lol. There were blow up penises everywhere lol. AJ kept playing with a giant penis and had a strap-on blow-up penis on. Nick kept teasing girls with bananas. He was unpeeling them very seductively and then dropping low for the girls to take a bite. I wish I could have been one of those lucky girls lol. Howie had a cucumber at one point lol. It was hilarious! I’m glad they went all out on this one! Nick had a penis squirt gun and was shooting it into girls’ mouths lol. I felt kind of teased because I was so close, yet not close enough to get a banana tease or a picture. I felt that if three girls in front of me were gone, I could have been right up there. They were also crowd surfing again. I was able to catch a tiara Nick wore and then threw into the audience! This made up for the rude bitch that took my TNMT hat. I quickly stuffed it into my bra before someone would try to yank that from me. Then I caught some beads from Howie! This was such a fun night to see them be silly and use their sexuality to our advantage lol. Because of this moment being so great I took mostly video, but here are a couple pictures of Kevin!